Vitamin A is abundant in foods of animal origin and vegetables, which is in the form of provitamin A, beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A as needed. Retinoids are chemicals derived from vitamin A or retinol, the structure and action are related. Pharmacological advances have yielded compounds with greater effectiveness in the treatment of acne, to provide high therapeutic concentrations with minimal adverse effects such as irritation, phototoxicity, dryness or peeling.
Vitamin A for Acne, How It works?
A recent evidence-based review conducted by the University Clinic of Dermatology of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany), published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology 'in December 2008, justifies the use of topical retinoids in most types of acne and for maintenance treatment. In addition there is documentation that confirms its effectiveness in other skin disorders such as psoriasis and photoaging.Vitamin A, how oral ingestion or topical?
Retinoids fall under the category of drugs, dietary supplements are not considered because their effectiveness lies in its topical use, although in some cases take effect after oral intake.
The drawback of topical use of some compounds is their irritant capacity, which explains why many patients stop treatment before checking the results
This reveals in a report on the effect of retinoids in dermatology directed by Jota Vozmediano and Joseph C. Wardrobe Hita, of Dermatology, University Hospital of Puerto Real (Cádiz, Spain). In topical application, these compounds are effective for the treatment of dermatologic problems because some specific receptors bind detected in the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin cells.
The drawback of topical use of some of them is their irritant capacity, which explains why many patients stop treatment before checking the results. However, the extra supply of vitamin A or its derivatives (retinoids) can be toxic to exceed the capacity of the liver to store this substance. As a result you can, among other disorders such as bone disorders, inflammation and bleeding appear dry eyes, lips and nasal mucosa.
Higher doses of this vitamin during pregnancy or previous months pregnancy can cause fetal malformations (cardiac abnormalities, hydrocephalus, mental retardation), since it is involved in the processes of cell division and growth. Therefore, consumption of dietary supplements or nutritional purposes vitamin A cosmetic or dermatological treatments for retinoid drugs, be done under medical supervision, in order to avoid adverse effects.
Vitamin A food
Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins, ie it is soluble in fat. Focuses on animal foods such as liver (this body has the capacity to accumulate), egg yolk and fat in whole milk and dairy products such as butter and cream.
Vegetables and very intense reddish orange like carrots, pumpkins, oranges and tangerines, peaches, apricots and persimmons, noted for their content in beta-carotene, the pigment that gives color and the body turns into vitamin A to meet your needs. Some vegetables like spinach, chard or broccoli also contain this provitamin A, although masked by chlorophyll, the green pigment that colors of these vegetables.
The appearance of acne is rather a result of hormonal imbalances and unresponsive to dietary matters much. However, although the food consumed do not cause acne, if they can make it worse if chocolate, cheese, meats and other fatty foods are eaten. A proper diet with an adequate supply of nutrients to the skin, helps prevent aggravation and speeds healing.
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