Pimples on Back

Pimples on Back
Pimples can occur anywhere on the body, including the back. A skin disease can manifest as pimples on the back. Heat rash, also referred to as skin irritation is the most common cause of the grains. Exposure to sunlight for a long period of time often leads to heat rash that is characterized by clusters of tiny grains.
On the first place we will discuss about the causes of pimples on back

Causes of Pimples on Back


This is a skin disease that flares in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and blackheads. Back acne leads to unsightly pimples and is accompanied by rash. You can not see these pimples directly and standing in front of the mirror is necessary to obtain a glimpse of skin infection. The excess production of oil from the sebaceous glands in the inner layer of the skin leads to clogging of skin pores. Clogged pores become a breeding ground for bacteria, which ultimately promotes acne. Because thick skin on the back, acne is very sturdy and can not initially respond to treatment. Acne on the back are relatively common, although acne is usually seen in the face instead of the back. Although back acne can occur in both sexes, it is tougher in men.


Small potholes filled structures that form in the back area can also be a symptom of measles, a viral infection that eventually causes skin rashes all over the body. Although, generally, measles rash (formation of small grains) starts from the front, but can also appear for the first time in the back. The patient may also have flu symptoms such as runny nose, cough and fever.

Chicken Pox

Although anyone can suffer from chickenpox, it is more common in children. In principle, a few red bumps may appear in the upper back and neck, which can cover the entire back and the body over a period of time. This red rash, itchy skin that is also visible in the mouth, nose and scalp, is highly contagious and spreads through coughing and sneezing. Pimples on chest and back area may indicate the onset of chickenpox. People with weak or suppressed immune systems are more vulnerable to this disease.


It is a skin infection that usually occurs due to an allergic reaction to a prescription drug. The affected skin hives shows the presence of red bumps, itchy skin, which are usually a few millimeters in size. These grains can be seen in any part of the body including the back, legs and arms. The appearance of hives is not a serious problem because it only lasts for a period of 2-3 days.

Cystic acne

This is a type of acne in which the grains are larger compared to regular acne pimples appear. The large grains cause cystic acne on the back and hard grains are painful skin. This complicated form of acne is characterized by deep skin infection. The large grains are filled with pus that show resistance to treatment and last for several weeks.


Back Acne Remedy

To eliminate back acne, there are a number of products for skin care acne. Skin cleansers containing glycolic or salicylic acid is often recommended for back acne.

Remedy for cystic acne

As this is a severe form of acne, visit a dermatologist is essential. Although cleaners are available, these products only relieve the discomfort. Read more : Cystic Acne
Heat Rash Remedy
Prefer to stay in a cool environment. Hot and humid conditions can aggravate the condition. Applying ice packs and mild cortisone creams can also help relieve discomfort.

Other treatment options

Applying fresh lemon juice on the back can also improve skin condition. Another remedy is to mix lemon juice and rose water in equal parts, and then apply on the affected area. Pimples on the back of the arm can also be treated with fenugreek seeds. Prepare a paste of fenugreek seeds and then spread on the affected area.

Drink plenty of water and stay away from junk foods during any skin infection is necessary to accelerate healing. Furthermore, taking care of the skin by not wearing tight clothes will help you get rid of pimples as soon as possible.

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